Friday, December 18, 2009

The Gentle Man Aquarian

Noted guitarist Jack Rose passed away a few weeks back. His memoriam was printed in this week's Chicago Reader. Though a sudden and tragic death at too young of an age, I was not surprised to read that this Aquarius was known for his generous embracing nature while simultaneously possessing shrewd tastes of his own. It's a combination that's common to Aquarians and that can just as easily perplex some, yet I love how the memoriam author sums this particularly Aquarius trait up succinctly: "he was so discriminating but still entirely embracing."

As an Aquarius, I've been called everything from difficult to exasperating when it comes to my tastes or standards. Unless an Aquarius has some particularly unfussy supporting signs in their charts, they are usually quite specific about what they do and don't like, who they do show love to and how they show love, but they'll just as easily support what they don't like in the name of friendship in how others behave or love.

Speaking for myself, I know that support (the concept of being there fully and tenderly respecting others, if you will) is more important than being right. So, while I have discriminating tastes and often become exasperated by others (don't get me wrong), it's easy for me to also get why someone loves what I don't without feeling that it threatens my sense of self. In fact, I'm often celebrating those differences and showing them respect.

Jack Rose sounds like one of those mad geniuses who figured this out. During this holiday season, it'd be good to think about how he showed it and to do the same for others.

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