Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Some Rotten Aquarians

Who is the most evil Aquarius in history? This is a question I've been pondering. While Cancers rate high on serial killer lists, and Capricorns are commonly thought to be the most mentally imbalanced sign, no one suspects the Aquarius of having an evil side, but they do.

It turns out that Aquarians are generally mass killers. Think about it, there have been five Aquarian presidents, all have started wars that have killed thousands.

There's also the evil manipulator side of Aquarians. Of the conservatives thought to be the most dangerous in today's political climate, three are Aquarians: Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck. You seemingly can't get more evil than that triad of misery.

It's true that for the most part Aquarius is one of the more liberal sun signs. But when given power, Aquarians tend to like to start fights or--more politely put--they tend to inspire action in other people.

Underestimating the true nature of Aquarian fixedness seems to be the problem--such was the case with Aquarian president Ronald Reagan. But when focused, Aquarians are master manipulators, particularly of the media. So you can imagine what kind of destruction they can do on a broad level.

Infamous dictator Kim Jong-il, born February 16, is a prime example of this kind of manipulative power. The North Korean "Supreme Leader" controls all levels of the North Korean government through cult-of-personality media-driven tactics. By all reports, there are still North Koreans who believe that Kim Jong-il can control the weather.

But is Jong-il the most evil Aquarius currently alive? Nope, his "Most Evil Aquarian" award can be shared with several other fellow Aquarian dictators: Saparmurat Niyazov, Islom Karimov, and Than Shwe. Yes, dictators, as in plural.

How could this be? How could the typically peace-loving, common man-doting, think-before-you-act Aquarius ever be a dictator? It boggles one's mind and there are no easy answers. The only quality each of these dictators shares with the other is their comfort with atrophied philosophies. Perhaps Aquarians would do well to consider this quality an enemy of their true spirit, lest we become stuck in presumptions that affect more than just our small universes and ourselves.

I'm sure there's a few evil Aquarians that I'm missing. If you have one in mind, please feel free to share.


  1. Allan Legere, considered Canada's most dangerous serial killer is Aquarian. Bob berdella, possibly the most evil serial killer of all time, is also Aquarian. Anders brevik is Aquarian. Jerome brudos "the shoe fetish slayer" was Aquarian. People think there are no Aquarian serial killers because of a dumb article on the net. America's most prolific serial killer is also Aquarian cusp, Gary ridgeway. One of the dc snipers was Aquarian, Malvo I think. There are a lot

    1. Oh and Luis Garavito, the second most prolific serial killer in the world is Aquarian.

    2. And Robert Hansen. Wtf there are tons of evil Aquarians.

  2. John W Milam and Roy Bryant Sr. Both who got away with the gruesome murder of Emmett Till in 1955.

  3. I will be the most dangerous Aquarian to live

  4. My bullet is coming ...all of u please open your mouths
